If you are shipping hazardous goods by sea, we can tell you everything you need to know to comply with current regulations, including the completion of all of the necessary paperwork.
If you are shipping hazardous goods by sea, we can tell you everything you need to know to comply with current regulations, including the completion of all of the necessary paperwork.
The transportation of hazardous materials is strictly controlled and must be documented, packed and presented according to the IMO Dangerous Goods instructions for each UN number of the hazardous material being shipped.
If you are shipping vehicles containing Hazardous/Dangerous Goods, you must not arrive at the departure port more than 12hrs before your sailing.
You will be responsible for the correct completion of a Dangerous Goods Declaration form and must submit a signed copy to our freight office a minimum of 48hrs prior to arrival at any of our Ports.
All Hazardous/Dangerous Goods being shipped to or from our Portsmouth port, must complete an Export Hazardous Notification Form and submit this form to freight@portsmoth-port.co.uk a minimum of 24hrs prior to arrival.
The shipper is responsible for the correct completion of a Consignment Note and must submit a signed document at port of departure.
Hazardous materials can be shipped as either ‘bulk load’ or ‘limited quantity’ depending on the material.
Transporting Hazardous and Dangerous Goods is not limited to any vehicle size or type, but the vehicle must display the correct placard on all four sides of the vehicle.
Hazardous Goods examples include fuel, lime, glues, aerosols and bitumen.
Explosives can be transported depending on the NEC (Net Explosive Content) – please email freight-dl@condorferries.co.uk for more information regarding different hazardous or dangerous materials that are accepted as freight.
Not all Hazardous/Dangerous Goods can be carried on all vessels, please email freight-dl@condorferries.co.uk for advice.