Our customer support team have used their knowledge to put together a list of answers to your most frequently asked questions. If your question is not answered below, then please get in touch!
Prior to your sailing, you'll require the necessary completed paperwork including Consignment Note, Dangerous Goods Note ect. For more information of what documentation is required for what service type, please see our Docs and Forms page. We require all our passengers due to travel on a domestic sailing (inter-island and between the UK, Guernsey and Jersey) to carry a form of photographic identification. Unfortunately, without an accepted form of photo ID to show at check-in you won’t be permitted to board. Children under the age of 16 can travel on domestic services without photo ID provided the accompanying adult can vouch for their identification.
Accepted travel documents include:
A valid passport (i.e. in date)
An expired passport (domestic routes only, up to two years after expiry)
Valid EU or Swiss national identity card
Valid driving licence (full or Provisional are accepted)
Valid armed forces identity card
Valid police warrant card/badge
A child on parent’s passport is an acceptable form of ID
Citizen Card or Civilian Card, available from www.citizencard.com
Valid firearm certificate
Valid government-issued identity card
Electoral identity card
NUS card (National Union of Students)
University/college ID card
Company ID card of nationally recognised company
Council issued bus pass
Young Scot card
Disabled badges which have a photograph of the holder
Certificate of Competency issued by the government (domestic routes only, must be photographic)
VALIDATE UK PASS photographic proof of age cards
CPP Guernsey ID card
Guernsey 18+ card
Please note that digital copies of your photo ID are not acceptable. Please also note that all photo ID must be legible and undamaged, otherwise you will not be able to travel.
But don't forget you'll need a valid passport OR National Identity Card for travel to and from France.
Passengers travelling to and from St. Malo must ensure that their passport(s) OR National Identity Card(s) is available for inspection and the correct and valid documentation is being carried. Visas are required by some non EEC nationals. If you are travelling to or from France, we ask that you complete your advance passenger information (API) at least 24 Hrs before your travel. You can complete this here. If you have not supplied this information before you travel, this will slow down the check in times for everyone else.
Condor Ferries do not offer insurance on any good transported across any of our sailing routes. Customers must secure their own individual or organisational insurance.We recommend that you take out adequate insurance to provide protection against delays, loss or damage to personal effects, vehicles and other property as well as medical cover, vehicle breakdown insurance and personal travel cover for cancellation of journeys for reasons beyond our control.
Please note that the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is not valid in the Channel Islands.
If for some reason, we encounter a delay, we will send you a text message and / or email detailing any changes to the schedule, alternatively, you can call our team on 0345 609 1024. The sailing updates page on our website will also be updated daily with any additional information or changes. So that you can be certain we can get you the most up to date information please make sure we hold your current contact information, a mobile number where applicable. You can also follow us on Twitter.
There are restrictions in Guernsey and Jersey regarding length, width and weight of any vehicle allowed on the roads. For further information, please contact Guernsey Traffic and Transport Services Unit at www.gov.gg/vehiclepermits or on +44 (0)1481 243400 (option 4) or Jersey Driver and Vehicles Standards Department on +44 (0) 1534 448600.
Customers who experience a cancellation, delay in departure or delay in arrival may wish to claim on their travel insurance and can do so by downloading the ‘Disrupted Service Claim Form’. You can send this to your insurance company with your claim as proof you experienced a disruption or cancellation.
Condor Ferries abides by the EU Passenger Regulations 1177/2010. These regulations should not be considered as replacing the need for travel insurance. If a ferry is delayed by more than 90 minutes you will be offered a choice between a full refund within seven working days (leaving you free to make your own travel arrangements) or an alternative sailing at the earliest opportunity at no additional cost.
Where there is an overnight delay and the cause is within our control, you may be entitled accommodation either onboard ship (cabins) or ashore up to a limit of 80 Euros per person per night. We are entitled to ask you to return home overnight too.
In the event of delays or cancellations caused by adverse weather conditions that endanger the safe operation of the ship or the delay is caused by extraordinary circumstances which could not reasonably be avoided we do not offer any compensation. Customers should refer to their travel insurance policy for any claim entitlements.
You can find out more about the EU Regulation by visiting this page.